Cartoon Portrait Kyle

Hello fellow Gamers...

I’m Kyle, and I thought I would take a moment to give you some background to who I am, and what influenced me in life to finally becoming one of the co-owners of Savage Gamez, LLC.

Well, I will be 60 years old in 2024 Anno Domini, but as a youngster playing games around the table was the thing to do.

From the great game of Clue and the awesome game of Monopoly to the family game of Life – These games were played often with family members and friends.  Card games were always a big hit in our household as well.  I was taught the game of Cribbage in my early years, and I still play it every Thursday with my 92-year-old mother.  Games are a great way to have quality time with family and friends and I am blessed to have many opportunities over the years to enjoy them.

In my adolescent years, my sister bought an Atari for Christmas for my brother and me. We spent many hours playing that Atari. (WOW what a game changer that was to the gaming industry.) With so much time spent playing the Atari we both got “Atari Thumb”.  Some of you will know what that is…lol.  Then in my teenage years the TSR Dungeon and Dragons came on the scene and I was hooked. These role-playing games introduced a new type of game play that was like no other and is still going strong today.

In my 20’s and 30’s I got married and had three boys.  Busy times for sure! We however found plenty of time to play board games.  The new video gaming consoles were appearing on the scene about then, plus PC Gaming was becoming a big hit. Even though this new technology was taking a lot of our gaming time, we still found time to pull out the board games once-in-a-while like the great game of RISK and many others.

Over the years, my sons grew older and began to raise their own families.  Gaming became less and less.  But as fate would have it I lost my job in September of 2020 and was out of work for nine months.  During that time my youngest son, the other co-owner of Savage Gamez, asked me after “What do you think about creating our own board game?” This was after playing an old vintage strategy game with his cousin on Thanksgiving Day, Feudal.  From that question started the creative juices, and the birth of our first game Craft and Conquer: Medieval was born.

This journey has been a labor of love since November 2020, and we are so excited to bring it to the gaming community, so you all might have the opportunity to enjoy it as much as we have in developing it and playing it.

What Matters Most

Even though board games, and games in general have been a big part of my life, I want to share something even bigger.  Tabletop games in general allow us at times to “escape” reality of this world, even if it’s just for a few minutes.  We all face difficulties in the life, and playing games help us to imagine different worlds, environments, and alternate realities.  Places we can control to a point, and It can be very entertaining for sure.  But the truth is, that it is not reality.  It’s a place that makes us feel good, and allows us to put our mind on something different than the reality that is before us.  So what do I want to share with you that is even bigger?  It’s how you can have true PEACE in the reality you live in.

We all seek true PEACE in one form or another.  Humans are created that way, and the one thing we all desire is true PEACE.  I found true PEACE in my early 20’s.  I came to realization that I was a sinner before a Holy and Righteous God and there wasn’t any amount of good deeds that I could do that would find favor in God’s eyes.  The Bible teaches that we are all sinners and because of our sin we are separated from God.  It also teaches that the wages for our sin is eternal death.  The Bible describes that the eternal death as judgement in hell.  That is so horrifying to even contemplate the reality of total separation from God in outer darkness for eternity.  BUT, the Bible doesn’t stop there, even though the wages of our sin is eternal death, God goes on to say, BUT the gift of God is eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ the Lord.  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us on the old rugged cross to take our place, He made the ultimate payment for our sins.  That’s amazing…. Do you want true PEACE in your life?  Games, drugs, sex, sports or whatever you are trying to fill your life with, will never fill the void of God’s perfect PEACE.  Romans 10:9-10 says this “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” 

I did that way back in 1988 Anno Domini (Year of our Lord).  I repented and surrendered my mind, body and soul to the King of Kings, for what He did for me 2000+ years ago on that old rugged cross.  He took my sins upon Himself and took upon Himself the judgement that was meant for me.  I was forgiven and I was set free from that penalty of sin.  I then received God’s Holy Spirit and I finally had that Perfect PEACE, that everyone so longs for.  Praise the Lord!

My prayer is that maybe my life story may help you to take a moment to think about your relationship with the Creator of the universe.  He loves you so much that He sent his only begotten Son to die on that old rugged cross for you personally.  Do you desire to be forgiven and receive Perfect Peace with God?  Will you take a step of faith today by repenting and surrendering yourself to His will of salvation?  Is He at the door of your heart knocking?  If so, will you open that door today?

If you have questions, or would like to reach out to us, please don’t hesitate to drop us an email using our contact below.

The Team

Cartoon Portrait Kyle


CEO and Co-owner

Cartoon Portrait Luke


Co-owner and Chief Designer